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( 2:36 GA ) Nah what is that title 💀
I notice that with this blog, it feels productive, but it's not really contributing to anything if it's purely anonymous. But the cool thing is—it's art—it doesn't need to be shown to anybody, and nobody has to know. And nobody has to know. And nobody has to know. That's the beauty. It reminds me of how so many philosophies and theologies center around doing things in private. Even cults isolating themselves from society so that they delude themselves into "truth". But I'm not here to talk about truth (yet). There is so much goodness in doing things alone, and there is so much goodness in that wall of mystery. Is that dogmatic? Definitely, but we haven't found the alpha or the omega yet, so as humans, we use deduction as far as reasonably sane, and then blow our brains out later.
I remember uniting with a friend a few days ago, and it seems that we haven't really changed, except that our beliefs have been affected due to our isolation. I would say both of us trended more to extreme thoughts the more we spend isolating ourselves. And for him, he has developed a stronger filter against me, because I know that I have affected him—either for good or for bad—and that I caused his "existential crisis". Real. After writing that, it reminds me of how my brother told me to "take everything with a grain of salt, even advice from others, you can't even trust my own words." I agree totally—100%—and I often lack that understanding when I talk with others, due to how the people closest to me have talked to me in the past. I was preached to, and now I'm the preacher, and I'm as dogmatic as those before me.